Android 5.1.1 GEEK 32-bit

Developer: HuskyDG

Version: 1.1.6   319MB

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Note, do not unzip the ROM file. To install the ROM please read the instructions below!

Updated on 11/05/2021

Android Nougat 5.1.1 32-bit has been ROOT and pre-installed Xposed Framework, support Google Play service.

You are viewing a version of ROM with Google services preinstalled. View no Google inside version (lighter)

What's new?

Root/Xposed Terminal
Type "root" or "xposed" command in Terminal to enable or disable Root/Xposed

Built-in BusyBox
No need to install BusyBox via third-party

Boot animation
Display the boot animation screen when starting the virtual machine boot

Pre-installed Aurora Store
Aurora Store's is an open source app that provides an alternative to the Google Play Store, allowing you to download apps available on Google Play Store without having to sign in to an account.

Pre-installed ES Files
To browse and edit files in virtual machine

Chinese keyboard has been removed
Replace with AOSP latin keyboard

Superuser version installed:

Xposed version installed:
Xposed Framework v89

Google Play Services

Play Store & Aurora Store


Android Nougat 7.1.2 64-bit come with GeekTool - tools for installing Root, Xposed Framework, Google Services,...
Android 7.1.2 HuskyDG 64-bit
Android Nougat 7.1.2 32-bit come with GeekTool - tools for installing Root, Xposed Framework, Google Services,...
Android 7.1.2 HuskyDG 32-bit
Android Nougat 5.1.1 come with GeekTool - tools for installing Root, Xposed Framework, Google Services,...
Android 5.1.1 HuskyDG 32-bit
Android Nougat 7.1.2 64-bit has been ROOT and pre-installed Xposed Framework, support Google Play service.
Android 7.1.2 Old GEEK 64-bit
Android Nougat 7.1.2 32-bit has been ROOT and pre-installed Xposed Framework, support Google Play service.
Android 7.1.2 Old GEEK 32-bit
Android Nougat 5.1.1 32-bit has been ROOT and pre-installed Xposed Framework, support Google Play service.
Android 5.1.1 Old GEEK 32-bit
Android Nougat 4.4.4 32-bit has been ROOT and pre-installed Xposed Framework.
Android 4.4.4 GEEK 32-bit
Android Nougat 7.1.2 64-bit has been pre-installed Google Play service.
Android 7.1.2 Google Play 64-bit
Android Nougat 7.1.2 32-bit has been pre-installed Google Play service.
Android 7.1.2 Google Play 32-bit
Android Nougat 5.1.1 32-bit has been pre-installed Google Play service.
Android 5.1.1 Google Play 32-bit
Basic Android Nougat 7.1.2 64-bit, lightweight and fast.
Android 7.1.2 LITE 64-bit
Basic Android Nougat 7.1.2 32-bit, lightweight and fast.
Android 7.1.2 LITE 32-bit
Basic Android Nougat 5.1.1 32-bit, lightweight and fast.
Android 5.1.1 LITE 32-bit
Basic Android Nougat 4.4.4 32-bit, lightweight and fast.
Android 4.4.4 LITE 32-bit
PerfectOS - A custom ROM with beautiful and clean user interface, blue theme for best experience
ROM PerfectOS
The custom ROM with OnePlus style theme and nice icon
ROM QRui by Finder歼陌


The ROM for VMOS Pro is a zip file in a zip or 7z format.
Note, do not unzip ROM files.
To download VMOS Pro app, click here

Step 1: Click the 3-dot icon, then select Import local ROM.

Step 2: Find the ROM file and select it.

Step 3: Wait for the ROM to be installed

Step 4: Well done!

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VMOS - Virtual Machine Operating System [Wikipedia]

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